A senior Syrian government spokesman just confirmed his nation did indeed possess chemical weapons, and might employ them against a "foreign aggressor."
With financial sanctions against it getting tighter and tighter and the drums of war beating louder and louder, Iran appears to be getting proactive -- at least on the food front. As Reuters reports, Tehran is busy stockpiling grain in anticipation of the sanctions' effect on daily life.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse are set to unleash "shocking" revelations about Barack Obama's birth certificate at a press conference later this month, information described as "breathtaking" by lead investigator Mike Zullo.
The big question this week would be the controversial Obamacare mandate. And heres the answer: Yes. Obamacare passes Congress' filters and is now an official OK.
An amazing amount of news this week; new proposals and new agreements have sprung up. But so has our "need" to spread our presence. The military warns of another war, while 26 congressmen decry the use of drone strikes. Read on: