Hey guys, remember the 'booms' in Clintonville, IN? Well, they were back the previous night. And they were louder than before. What's going on?
The mayor and police would love to dismiss it as geological activity, but results show otherwise:
"A preliminary review of seismic activity recorded at two permanent seismometer stations in Wisconsin did not indicate even a low-level earthquake at Clintonville late Tuesday, a spokesman for the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., said," reports the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel.
If the booms are being artificially created by man-made activity, the culprits are unlikely to own up to it. There are numerous potential scenarios besides seismic activity that could be responsible for the booms, including CO2 sequestration storage, which has been documented to cause "small to moderate earthquakes," according to Stanford geophysicist Mark Zoback.
Other speculation has centered around secret underground military tunneling work, improper disposal of wastewater from a natural gas fracking operation (also documented to cause earthquakes), or more exotic explanations such as the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which is often blamed for unexplained weather and seismic events due to its highly secretive nature.
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