Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "is determined to attack Iran before the US elections," Israel's Channel 10 News claimed on Monday night, and Israel is now "closer than ever" to a strike designed to thwart Iran's nuclear drive.
Yesterday, guest Richard Belzer surprised Alex, the Infowars crew, and the viewers at when he revealed he was conducting the interview from his good friend Christopher Walken's house.
Iran's government faced criticism on Monday over its response to two earthquakes that killed 306 people, with complaints of a lack of tents and about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's decision to go ahead with an overseas trip
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul will accept a speaking slot at the Republican National Convention in Tampa later this month, along with Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum and Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, according to a senior GOP official.
Two former high-ranking officials at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), a federal bureaucracy that collects data and intelligence on foreign communications for national security purposes, have come forward with allegations that the NSA actively monitors Americans as well. According to testimonies from both Thomas Drake, a former NSA senior official, and Kirk Wiebe, a former NSA senior analyst, the agency actively monitors and collects intelligence on every single American as part of a...
While US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta attempted to convince top Israeli politicians and security officials not to launch a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities during his visit to Israel last week, his predecessor Donald Rumsfeld, seems more prepared for a possible attack.
A prominent artificial intelligence expert has urged that president Obama is setting a horrendous precedent by embracing drone technology as a means of covert warfare.Professor Noel Sharkey of Sheffield University, penned a piece in The Guardian today that slams the use of missile strikes using unmanned ariel vehicles, warning that what we are seeing is just the beginning of "the industrial revolution of war."
The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has demanded that the TSA explain why it has ignored a now year old order to conduct a public comment process with regards to its use of so called naked body scanners.
A report out of Pravda quotes President Vladimir Putin as saying that Russia has moved strategic nuclear missiles to Cuba in response to the United States' continuing efforts to encircle Russia in Eastern Europe.
A Garden Grove, California, jewelry store owner thwarted an armed robbery with a handgun on Sunday and sent masked robbers scurrying for their lives. A surveillance video shows the gutsy 65-year-old woman with gun in hand chasing the would-be robbers outside.
The NYPD says it will launch an all-seeing "Domain Awareness System" that combines several streams of information to track both criminals and potential terrorists.
In preparing to use surveillance drones for protests and "public safety," the Department of Homeland Security is following Russia's lead, where Vladimir Putin has approved a massive expansion of the technology specifically for the purpose of monitoring demonstrators.
A bipartisan group of 51 senators on Thursday threatened to oppose a global treaty regulating international weapons trade if it falls short in protecting Americans' constitutional right to bear arms.
A senior Syrian government spokesman just confirmed his nation did indeed possess chemical weapons, and might employ them against a "foreign aggressor."
With financial sanctions against it getting tighter and tighter and the drums of war beating louder and louder, Iran appears to be getting proactive -- at least on the food front. As Reuters reports, Tehran is busy stockpiling grain in anticipation of the sanctions' effect on daily life.
The Department of Homeland Security has put out an urgent solicitation for hundreds of items of "riot gear," in preparation for expected unrest at the upcoming Republican National Convention, Democratic National Convention and next year's presidential inauguration.
Following the police riot in Anaheim, California, after the cops killed an unarmed man, citizens in Dallas, Texas, confronted police following the shooting of another unarmed man. Police responded to the outpouring in standard paramilitary fashion.
For the second time in less than a year, Iran's top naval commander has said Iranian Navy vessels will soon be plying the Atlantic Ocean, having made great strides in recent years in expanding its presence beyond Iranian waters.
Wiretaps, which have increased almost tenfold since data was first reported in 1969, are only the tip of the surveillance iceberg. In 2011 federal and state courts approved a total of 2,732 wiretaps; but government agencies made over 1.3m requests for data to mobile-phone companies. That figure includes wiretaps and pen/traps, but it also includes requests for stored text messages, device locations and tower dumps, which reveal the presence of everyone—suspects and not—within range of a...
Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve has passed overwhelmingly in the House. It cleared a suspension of House ruled requiring a two-thirds vote. The final vote was 327 to 98 and all but one Republican and 89 Democrats voted yes. The bill had more than 274 cosponsors and faced strong opposition by Democrats and the Federal Reserve
In a rare admission that has gone almost completely unreported, the Director of National Intelligence has admitted that the National Security Agency violated the US constitution and abused its power by spying on American citizens and monitoring their communications.
"Of drones I think two words" Khan said. "It's immoral and it's insane. Immoral because you cannot justify eliminating suspects and insane because it's counterproductive. All it does is it turns more people against the US, hatred grows and the beneficiaries of this insanity are the militants."
Major banks and the financial global elite are now confirmed to have as much as $32 trillion in hidden assets stashed away in offshore accounts that are subject to little or no taxation. As a result, around $280 billion is estimated to be lost in tax revenues. In other words, the multi-trillion dollar banks and elite families are avoiding any taxation while forcing United States citizens to foot the bill. Amazingly, the $32 trillion stashed away represents the overall GDP of the United States...
The Council on Foreign Relations says you shouldn't worry about the United Nations Small Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which is currently being hammered out at the United Nations in New York.
Fox News took a quote from President Barack Obama out of context and spent the entire day attacking based on the out of context quote. Cenk plays the entire speech in order to show the context then discusses how Fox News selectively edited the speech and went on the attack. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Assuming everyone knows of the recent "String of attacks" passed between Obama and Romney, I just want to talk about how useless this entire thing is. I'll try to be as un-biased as possible.
Anonymous U.S. officials are quoted by the NY Times stating explicitly that a Hezbollah suicide bomber attacked the Israeli tourist bus yesterday. While this is entirely possible, I think we should remember the bizarre bombing plot of a few months ago in which a small-time Iranian drug dealer was alleged by the Justice Department to have direct links to the Revolutionary Guards, and to have plotted the assassination of the Saudi ambassador. By the way, this is the same person, Bandar ibn...
What do you expect Israel do say when a suicide bomber from Sweden kills travelers on a bus at such a high point in tension between the US, Israel and Iran?
Four key Syrian military officials including Defense Minister Gen. Daoud Rajha and President Bashar al-Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat, who served as his deputy, were killed at a top-level meeting in central Damascus.
The National Security Agency is storing all electronic communications and analyzing them in real time, according to former NSA employee turned whistleblower William Binney, who warns that the federal agency has a Google-style capability to search all conversations for keywords.
Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., the Senate majority whip, asked on NBC's Meet the Press, "Why is Mitt Romney running away from his company, Bain Capital, like a scalded cat? Because there's abundant evidence that under Bain Capital they were exporting American jobs to low-wage countries and he doesn't want to be associated with it."
The rhetorical skirmish over this question is the prelude for bargaining that's likely to culminate after Election Day as President Barack Obama tries to persuade Congress to raise income tax rates on people with incomes over $200,000 and Republican try to keep the current tax rates in place at least for 2013.
The Obama administration has given the Department of Homeland Security powers to prioritize government communications over privately owned telephone and Internet systems in emergencies.
Citing no evidence, and on the heels of yet another baseless "activist" report claiming a massacre has taken place in Homs, nameless US officials claimed to the Wall Street Journal that the Syrian government is taking chemical weapons out of storage for possible use "against anti-regime rebels or civilians, possibly in an ethnic cleansing campaign."
At a conference in Geneva this past weekend, the UN brokered "deal" for the "creation of a transitional national unity government" made the illusion to executive powers given to Syria. Russian representatives asserted that Assad should be part of the interim administration. The ultimate transitional government would also oversee the drafting of a new Syrian Constitution and advise the electoral process.
Congress is asking top U.S. defense contractors to disclose their corporate plans if the military is forced to cut $500 billion from its budget early next year, putting the companies in the middle of a political fight between Republicans and the White House.