It's been almost a year since all major banks blockaded WikiLeaks from recieving funds. It's their only source of actual revenue, so help out if you can.Click here to donate.Two Videos here. One, a pe ...
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, speaks with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren about the bipartisan contempt vote of Eric Holder and the differe ...
Tsa whistleblower calls alex jones and reveals the tsa are hiring harden criminals on purpose! ...
Founder of the Wikileaks website walked into the Ecuadorian Embassy on Tuesday and has been staying there ever since. British authorities say they will arrest Assange if he leaves the embassy. Henry R ...
The people of Iceland forced their corrupt government to resign.A public assembly was created to rewrite the constitution.The banks were nationalized, it was decided not to pay the debt that PRIVATE b ...